How It Works
We're on-site to conduct interviews with key personnel, brainstorming sessions, and deliberative discussions to understand the essence of the company. We'll revise or build a vision and mission statement that has the power to transform the company's direction and narrative. We'll support in telling the story through media and asset co-creation.
What You Get
- Interviews: Perspectives from executives and staff, as appropriate, to learn about how synchronized the company is on the vision and mission.
- Reconciliation and Alignment: Mediation of disparate perspectives to support alignment goals.
- Collaborative Ideation Sessions: Brainstorming and development of the vision and mission statements with staff and executives.
- Content Creation: Compelling content to communicate the new vision and mission to staff and the world. Tailored messaging to resonate with stakeholders, including analysts and financial advisors. Co-creation and production of high-quality videography, social media shows or other relevant media outlet formats.
Key Benefits
- A disruptive vision to drive relevance and growth.
- Inspired stakeholders with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.
- Improved brand perception.
- Enhanced understanding of company culture and values.
- Engaging and professionally crafted materials to communicate the new vision and mission.