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Stay Ahead: How to Equip Your Team for AI Agency in Customer Service

    By Chris Marron
    Analyst and Distinguished Advisor

    Chris is an industry analyst who leverages the breadth and depth of his background to provide a unique view on industry trends and dynamics, as well as specific actionable advice tailored to the exact needs of customers. As a distinguished advisor for Actionary, he continues to expand his wealth of knowledge and insight.


    Google, OpenAI and others have stated that they will imminently release bots that have agency — acting on behalf of humans to book flights, manage subscriptions, and gather information. Unlike humans, AI can juggle many interactions at the same time without fatigue, leading to a huge surge in automated queries for businesses. These bots will have a multitude of webchats and calls with brands simultaneously without any concern for the length of engagements. Impacts on revenue and customer service will be significant for businesses that are not prepared. 

    Actionary Take: Brands that are not prepared for bots with agency will struggle to provide effective customer service, and will face new sales and marketing challenges.

    Navigating the Disruption: Balancing AI Integration and Workforce Engagement Management

      By Jim Davies
      Analyst and Client Executive Partner

      With over 20 years of experience, Jim is a visionary analyst who has shaped markets and provided strategic advice to thousands of organizations. As the founder of groundbreaking frameworks such as the VoC and Workforce Engagement magic quadrants, and through his role as agenda manager for Gartner’s customer service research team, Jim has championed the elevation of customer experience and employee engagement. As an Executive Partner for Actionary, he continues his mission of driving impactful change in the industry.


      Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) is fundamental for managing employee productivity and satisfaction. WEM evolved from its predecessor, Workforce Optimization (WFO) and represented a shift in focus from purely operational efficiency to a more human-centered approach, emphasizing employee engagement and work-life balance. However, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is disrupting this model, posing new challenges and opportunities for the WEM market. Landscape confusion and competing value propositions will significantly complicate procurement decision making.

      Actionary Take: Failure to balance AI benefit with WEM principles will harm employee satisfaction and productivity for the next three years.

      B2B CMOs Should Strategically Apply AI in Marketing to Drive Growth

        By Simon Harrison
        Analyst and Client Executive Partner

        Simon is an industry analyst who has authored over 30 Gartner Magic Quadrant notes as lead and with colleagues. He’s written important research as the Chief of Research advisor for Gartner. He continues to provide deep research and insights as an Executive Partner for Actionary clients and the industry.


        Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve personalization and customer journeys are leading priorities to drive revenue growth for B2B CMOs. However, the most widely available applications of AI in marketing are for more tactical and operational use cases such as lead scoring and propensity to buy. Access to data of suitable quality and a more holistic approach to AI infused in the marketing technology stack is key to realizing revenue growth. This research details three key success factors and how to achieve them to enable AI-powered revenue growth in Marketing.

        Actionary Take: Unless Marketing leaders change their approach to martech stack innovation, and address the fragmented data reality, they will fail to realize AI-empowered growth.